St John’s Church of England Academy in Darlington has received mass praise for hosting an innovative Black History Month exhibition.
Students designed a unique exhibition using QR codes placed at different stations which, when scanned, would play a recording of pupils talking about a particular person and why they were famous.
The persons included in the exhibition ranged from historic figures of the Civil Rights movement, such as Martin Luther King and Rosa Parks, to more modern icons such as Marcus Rashford.
Peter Gibson MP attended the exhibition and, according to The Northern Echo, said: “I think it’s fantastic. To be able to hear children talk about these historical figures is really interesting and its testament to how much hard work has gone into this.
“I’m absolutely blown away.”
The Revd Canon Remi Omole, Diocesan Equality, Diversity and Inclusion Enabler, said: “The Diocese of Durham is extremely proud of the work done by students from St John’s Church of England Academy, Darlington for the exhibition celebrating Black History Month.
“We always hear the words that ‘children are the future’. St John’s have demonstrated this by drawing from the past to inform the present, towards a much better future in terms of Equality, Diversity and Inclusion.
“The exhibition brings to life the words of Dorothy Law Nolte in the Poem ‘Children learn what they Live’, part of which reads: ‘If children live with friendliness, they learn the world is a nice place in which to live’.
“I’m looking forward to see how this excellent piece of work is developed over the coming months and in the years to come.”
You can view/listen to this exhibit here.