The Bishop's Leadership Team

Although the policies, practices and activity across the Diocese is synodically governed, the Diocese is led, inspired and encouraged by the Diocesan Bishop, the Bishop of Durham.

The Bishop keeps in touch with all aspects of diocesan life through a team of senior colleagues who each have their own connections, contacts and networks across the Diocese which allow them to stay informed. 

This supports the Bishop in his role and helps him to make decisions on the best ways to support parishes in carrying forward the diocesan vision and strategy and to inspire all those serving in parishes to bless our communities in Jesus’ name for the transformation of us all.

Use this section to explore more about the leadership team and how you can contact them.

Meet the team

The Bishop of Durham

The Bishop of Durham leads the Diocese with inspiration and encouragement. The current Bishop of Durham is the Rt Revd Paul Butler. Read more
Email: | Tel: (01388) 602 576.

Personal Assistant: Mrs Jo Dowsett 
Email: | Tel: (01388) 602 576

The Bishop of Jarrow

The Bishop of Jarrow assists the Bishop of Durham and can speak for and represent him when he is absent. The current Bishop of Jarrow is the Rt Revd Sarah Clark. Read more
Email: | Tel: (0191) 491 0917      

The Dean of Durham

The Dean is the most senior post at Durham Cathedral and has an important role in developing the church’s place in civic life. The current Dean of Durham is the Very Revd Andrew Tremlett. Read more. | Tel: (0191) 374 4586 

The Diocesan Secretary

The Diocesan Secretary is the senior executive officer in the diocese, overseeing all aspects of operations to ensure delivery of the vision and strategy. James Morgan was appointed to this role in 2020. Read more
Email: | Tel: (01388) 660 005 

Personal Assistant: Mrs Kate Martin 
Email: | Tel: (0191) 374 6017 

The Archdeacons of Auckland, Durham & Sunderland

The Archdeacon of Auckland

The Archdeacon of Auckland is responsible for the southern and western parts of the Diocese of Durham that form the Auckland Archdeaconry. The current Archdeacon of Auckland is The Venerable Rick Simpson.      

Personal Assistant: Revd Catherine Walton  
Email: | Tel: (01325) 480 444

The Archdeacon of Durham

The Archdeacon of Durham is responsible for the parts of the Diocese of Durham that form the Durham Archdeaconry. The current Archdeacon of Durham is The Venerable Libby Wilkinson.      
Email: | Tel: (01388) 604 515

Personal Assistant: Mrs Kate Martin 
Email: | Tel: (0191) 374 6017 

The Archdeacon of Sunderland

The Archdeacon of Sunderland is responsible for the parts of the Diocese of Durham that form the Sunderland Archdeaconry.   The current Archdeacon of Sunderland is The Venerable Bob Cooper. 
Email: | Tel: (0191) 536 2300

Personal Assistant: Mrs Linda Richardson 
Email: | Tel: (0191) 536 2300 

Archdeacons are close to Deanery and parish life, advising and supporting clergy and lay leaders. Read more.

The Director of Mission, Discipleship and Ministry

The Archdeacon of Durham, the Ven Libby Wilkinson, also oversees the development of diocesan-wide projects to help grow the church numerically and to deepen the faith of all worshipping communities across the Diocese.   Read more about this work
Email: | Tel: (01388) 604 515 

Personal Assistant: Mrs Kate Martin 
Email: | Tel: (0191) 374 6017 

The Director for Strategic Growth

Growth is one of the Diocese of Durham’s key priorities and the Revd Canon David Tomlinson is responsible for overseeing all the projects that support this work. Read more Tel: (01388) 834 405

Personal Assistant: Mrs Davina Tomlinson 
Email: | Tel: (01388) 834 405

The Bishop’s Chaplain

Chris Knights is the Bishop's Chaplain. He administratively and pastorally supports the Bishop and oversees the day to day running of the Bishop’s office. 

The Vice-Chair of the Board of Finance

Margaret (Mags) Vaughan is the current Vice-Chair, which is a voluntary role. She chairs the Finance Group sub-committee of the DBF. Mags is also a lay member of the Bishop’s Council and her ‘day job’ is Chief Operating Officer of County Durham Community Foundation.

Other contributing roles

The Bishop’s Senior Leadership Team draws on the experience of a wide range of expertise from across the Diocese, inviting officers and advisers to attend from time to time:

  • Director of Communications

Roderick Stuart leads the Communications Team for both Durham and Newcastle dioceses. He provides advice on how to ensure that the key leadership messages are heard across the Diocese.

  • Equality, Diversity & Inclusion Enabler

Remi Omole oversees a team of six advisers and advocates who offer training and support to parishes. He attends leadership meetings when required to keep the leadership team informed on progress and issues in these areas. Read more about diversity.

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