From Thursday 18 May - Sunday 22 May, Bishop Paul is undertaking his annual Prayer Walk, this year around Wearmouth Deanery. He will visit a number of different churches, schools and local landmarks on his route. This page will be updated with photos from each day. If you'd like to join them for the remaining days, check out their itinerary here.
Day 1
A hearty breakfast at Bede's Bakes, St. Peter's, to prepare for the day of walking ahead.
Setting off from St. Peter's.
Sunderland University chaplain, Rev Chris Howson gave a quick tour of the university campus where Bishop Paul met a group of students who were out filming.
A trip to the National Glass Centre.
Walking along the riverside.
Walking through Sunderland Marina and exploring the art installations.
Roker Beach - the perfect place to stop for a coffee and enjoy the view.
Walking through Roker Park on the way to St. Andrew's.
Arriving at St. Andrew's Church, having all earned lunch!
Bishop Paul with the headteacher and deputy head of Fulwell Junior School, who joined the group for lunch. Revd Chris Knights, Bishop's Chaplain, visited the school in the afternoon to have his car washed by pupils who were fundraising for a school trip. Having prayed for the school during lunch, they were delighted to raise so much money with the car wash - the prayers had worked!
Walking to All Saints Church.
Confirmation and Ascension Day Service at St. Peter's.
Day 2
A visit to Benedict Biscop Academy where Bishop Paul blessed their new teepee for outdoor learning.
Covid Memory Garden in Doxford Park Walled Garden.
Chatting with people on route.
Lunch at Arches Cafe in St. Matthew's Silkworth.
Visit to Venerable Bede Academy.
Skimming stones at Ryhope Beach.
Standing on top of Ryhope Cliffs, looking over to Sunderland.
Day 3
Setting off from St. Chad's, Farringdon.
Praying for Farringdon Academy.
A warm welcome for lunch at Hope4All project, St. Thomas in Pennywell.
St. Mary's, Springwell, was the final stopping place for Day 3.
Day 4
After a trip to St Luke's Church this morning, Bishop Paul’s prayer walk took him to The Secret Garden - Ford Estate, with live music from Sunderland Symphony Orchestra.