Useful links and resources

There is wealth of resources to support those working in churches, schools or in the home, with children, young people and families.

Below are some of our recommendations, but this is not an exhaustive selection.


Diddy Disciples – worship and storytelling resources for babies, toddlers and young children.

Open the Book - is a valuable resource – providing a strong, consistent and on-going feature for assembly / acts of collective worship times. Teachers can link the Bible stories through to Religious Education lessons. If you’ve ever struggled to come up with a fun school assembly/act of Collective Worship, then Open the Book is for you. 

Children and Families

Bible Reading Fellowship – enabling all ages to grow in faith.  The home of Messy Church, Parenting for Faith.  Resource hub available to support all work with children and families. 

BSL, Makaton and Signs – Action Hearing Loss (formerly RNID) estimates there are 45,000 deaf children in the UK, with many more experiencing temporary hearing loss due conditions such as glue ear.  Learning Makaton and/or British Sign Language can help children with special communication and language needs to express themselves and communicate with others. 

Care for The Family – a national charity which aims to support strong family life and to help those facing difficulties.  Events, courses, support and resources to help families journey together. 

The Kitchen Table Project - aims to raise awareness of just how important parents are in building our children’s faith. We can’t just rely on the great children’s work that happens in our churches to teach our children about God. 

Messy Church - is a way of being church for families and others. It is Christ-centred, for all ages, based on creativity, hospitality and celebration. 

Muddy Church - Muddy Church is a place for people to gather together, outside and to connect with the space and God.  This site is full of resources designed for use by individual groups - these are all available free to download or use online (there are pre-printed copies available to buy).  Muddy Church is an intergenerational idea, based on groups discovering the gifts in their community.  The heart of Muddy Church is to offer spaces to 'wander and wonder' together. 

Playtime - Playtime provides support and advice for anyone interested in engaging with young families in a toddler group setting.  Toddler groups are a lifeline to the parents, carers and toddlers who come along each week. They are also an extremely accessible ‘first step’ into the church for these families. 

Together @ Home – “Journey Together" is a new Sunday School syllabus based on the Common Worship Lectionary Calendar.  Each week includes a "Together at Home" sheet which can be shared with families to continue their Faith at Home journey. 

Children and Young People

Archbishop of York Youth Trust – works in partnership with schools, churches and communities to develop opportunities for young people to grow in leadership, faith and character.

Energize – web-based resources (subscription) from Urban Saints for ages 3-18. 

Faith at Home – Resources building on the work of Growing Faith and Everyday Faith supportingthe faith development of children and young people.

Going 4 Growth – Church of England resource hub with resources and links on wide range of issues e.g. faith in the home, mental health, bereavement etc. 

Inspired Classrooms – This resource is a great way to get churches to engage with local schools through church visits. Toolkit of ideas, lessons and resources. 

Lectio for Families – Free devotional app from 24-7 Prayer that helps families read the Bible and explore faith through conversation and prayer together. 

Prayer Spaces in Schools – Resources to help facilitate prayer spaces in schools (as well as in church, homes etc) which enable children and young people to explore life’s questions, spirituality and faith, in safe, creative and interactive ways.

Premier Youth and Children’s Work – some free resources including meeting guides, all-age service plans, discussion starters, reflective activities, games, crafts, music, movies, leadership.

Roots – weekly resources to enrich worship and learning for the whole church (subscription). 

Salvation Army School Resources – assembly and lesson resources for schools (primary, secondary and early years. 

Scripture Union – Wide range of resources for children, youth and families. Some for purchase and some free to download. 

Youth for Christ – series of web-based age appropriate resources (7–25s and families) (mostly subscription).

Young People

Alpha Youth – 12 part interactive video series exploring life, faith and meaning.

Bible App YouVersion – Great free Bible app; lots of versions and enables group study etc 

The Bible Project – Videos, Bible Study notes, free Bible resources and lots more; a great resource. 

Fusion Student Link Up – helps to connect young people to church when they go off to university.

Why on earth…? Church Army collection of sessions for small groups. Each session gives an easy way into one of the hard questions of faith and includes a short, animated video.

Youth Work Resource – UK based site aiming to equip both paid and volunteer youth workers in their church & schools ministry.

Children, Young People and Families

Hope Together - HOPE Together is a catalyst bringing churches together to transform communities in villages, towns and cities. Our vision is a praying, growing Church, that makes Jesus known together with words and action. Resources available to support. 

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