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‘We were on holy ground’ – a special launch for new church The Haven

More than 60 people joined together as a new church plant in Darlington enjoyed a successful launch.

The Haven has been commissioned by St Mary’s Cockerton and is based in the town’s West Park, where many new houses have been built in recent years.

Its first service took place on the afternoon of Sunday 9 March at West Park Academy, where the new church will meet in the school hall every week.

“The launch really was a success,” said the Revd Jess Monopoli, curate at St Mary’s, who is leading the new church. “There was a real mix of people there, with members of the community coming along and in many cases meeting each other for the first time.

“We also had some of our existing church members from St Mary’s who came along to support us and we had a wonderful time. It was a real privilege for us as a team, and during the silence, once all was said and done, it felt as though we were on holy ground, which was more than we could have asked for.”

The school hall was blessed by the Revd Jane Bell, formerly of the Diocese of York, who retired to Darlington and joined St Mary’s last year.

For the younger members of the congregation, there was a children’s area at the front of the hall which included sensory elements, such as playdough during the intercessions.

“It was very inclusive and we all worshipped together,” said Jess. “It was really lovely and we are very much looking forward to building on this strong start, by the grace of God.”

Jess, who is supported by a leadership team, received a timely boost ahead of the launch. Following an online appeal for help with the cost of Bibles, almost 100 were obtained thanks to generous donations.

West Park is located in the North West of the sizeable parish which previously had no dedicated community space. The new plant will enable the church to serve new areas including Faverdale and High Grange.

The Haven will be steeped in the Anglo-Catholic tradition and will have many traditional components, but the team are passionate about bringing a contemporary twist to worship.

Jess added: “The Haven will be a bit different to what is traditionally on offer at St Mary’s. It will be a hybrid community – a real mix of high church tradition but meeting in a different type of building and at a different time.

“I see that as a strength because we live in a society where people have a lot of choice. For example, a lot of young people play sporting activities on a Sunday morning,  It is important that we reach out and serve those who would benefit from a service at a different time, and who may not be able to relate to a traditional church context.

The Haven will meet on Sunday afternoons at 3.30pm. For more information visit The Haven page on Facebook.


Top: The Revd Yemi Jayiesimi (left), a retired Methodist Minister who is supporting the project, pictured with Tuv Monopoli, husband of the Revd Jess Monopoli. 

Middle: The Revd Jess Monopoli (right), pictured with Emily Carling, ordinand at St Mary’s Cockerton.

Bottom left: Part of the children's area created within the hall. 

Bottom right: One of the Bibles generously donated to The Haven. 






First published on: 20th March 2025
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