
The policies, practices and priorities that drive all the work that we do across the Diocese of Durham is
overseen by a large meeting of representatives called the Diocesan Synod

This works similarly to civic county council meetings with an elected membership. Both lay and ordained members in the Diocesan Synod discuss and debate issues and then vote on ways forward. 

The Diocesan Synod debates all kinds of matters across church life, from mission to financial planning. It is chaired by the Diocesan Bishop to both inform him and to gain inspiration from his leadership.

This synodical governance provides a system of partnership with the Bishop, ensuring that those serving and ministering within the Diocese can consider matters together and move forward in agreement.

The Diocese of Durham also has an elected membership of laity and clergy who sit on the national Church of England's General Synod along with the Bishop of Durham who is required to attend.

The Governance structure adopted within the Diocese of Durham is shown graphically here.

The Durham Diocesan Board of Finance (DDBF) is committed to the highest possible standards of working practise and to full accountability. Employees and volunteers are fully encouraged to voice any concerns they may have about DDBF work by following procedure set out in our Whistleblowing Policy

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