Vacancy in See

The Vacancy in See Committee is a statutory committee, which has a permanent existence but only meets during a vacancy in see, i.e. when there is a vacancy in the diocesan bishopric.

The role of the Vacancy in See Committee is: to prepare a brief description of the Diocese and a statement setting out the desired profile of the new Bishop and to elect the diocesan representatives to the Crown Nominations Commission.

Key Dates

Tuesday 19 March The Vacancy in See committee met.

Thursday 18 April The Vacancy in See committee met and elected 6 CNC members.

Monday 15 April  A public online consultation hosted via zoom with +Sarah chairing, and with the Archbishops' Appointments Secretary (Stephen Knott) and the Prime Minister’s Appointments Secretary (Jonathan Hellewell) in attendance. 

Friday 11 October Shortlisting

26/27 November Interviews

Statement of Needs

The first key task of the Vacancy in See Committee has been to produce a Diocesan Statement of Needs which will support the process of discerning the next Bishop of Durham. We are grateful for the wide ranging and fruitful consultation which has taken place across our diocese and for the hard work of the drafting sub-group of the Vacancy in See Committee which shaped those many contributions into the completed Statement of Needs. The production of this Statement of Needs has been underpinned in prayer, both at Vacancy in See meetings and when the drafting group met. This document was considered by the Vacancy in See committee on April 18 and unanimously adopted. Now that all permissions for the images have been established we are able to publish the document which is available to view here. We are very grateful for the whole of the Vacancy in See Committee who worked so hard to bring us to this point.

Crown Nominations Commissions (CNC) Representatives

The second key task of the Vacancy in See Committee has been to elect six people from the Committee to represent the Diocese on the Crown Nominations Commission. This is the Commission which shortlists and interviews prospective candidates. It is made up of 14 members - 6 elected from the Diocese, 6 General Synod members and both Archbishops.  On April 18, having adopted the Statement of Needs, the CNC elections took place and the six people elected from the Diocese are:

  • Val Barron

  • Jamie Harrison
  • Mark Miller
  • Rick Simpson
  • Frances Stenlake
  • Margaret Vaughan

Please keep them in your prayers. We will be particularly praying for them at a Sunday Cathedral Evensong. Once the arrangements are made, the date will be publicised so that all who wish to join can be present.   

Praying for the Discernment Process

Please continue to pray for the discernment process for the next Bishop of Durham. Canon Charlie Allen has written a Diocesan Prayer which complements the prayer written by our Children’s Council.

We have produced a prayer card with these prayers on. You can download a colour version here or a black and white version here
We hope that parishes, chaplaincies and schools will particularly use these prayers in worship and at other helpful occasions so that we are joining together across the whole Diocese. Please do write and use your own prayers as well, to add to the diocesan prayers.   

Praying for the discernment is a key way in which we can all be involved. We are intending to hold a 24-hour prayer vigil by invitation of the Dean at Durham Cathedral complemented by parish events during the period that the interviews are being held. As the shape of this becomes clearer we will be in touch.  

The prayers are:

A Diocesan Vacancy Prayer from our Children’s Council


Dear God,

As we look for a new Bishop of Durham, we pray that you would help us find someone who can lead our Diocese and help people get closer to God. We pray for a new Bishop who is caring, kind and a good listener. We give thanks for everyone in our Diocese of Durham and pray you will help us to trust in your plan for our future together.



A Diocesan Vacancy Prayer written by Canon Charlie Allen

Almighty God,

as we journey through this vacancy

grant us joy in all that has been

and hope for all that is to come.

Inspired by the deep faith of the northern saints,

may we prepare the way well for a new Bishop of Durham,

and delight in our call to bear your light

from the Tyne to the Tees and from the Dales to the Sea,

through Jesus Christ our Lord.




People were invited to contribute to the appointment process through an online survey and online public consultation Zoom meeting. 

Who are the members of the Vacancy in See Committee?

The Vacancy in See Committee has a mixture of ex officio, nominated and elected members as follows:

  • The Right Reverend Sarah Clark – Chair (ex officio as Bishop of Jarrow)
  • The Very Revd Dr Philip Plyming (ex officio as Dean of Durham)
  • The Venerable Libby Wilkinson (ex officio as one of two Archdeacons elected by and from the Archdeacons)
  • The Venerable Rick Simpson (ex officio as one of two Archdeacons elected by and from the Archdeacons)
  • The Venerable Bob Cooper (ex officio as an elected clergy member of General Synod)
  • The Reverend Mark Mawhinney (ex officio as an elected clergy member of General Synod)
  • The Reverend Mark Miller (ex officio as an elected clergy member of General Synod)
  • The Reverend Chantal Noppen (ex officio as an elected clergy member of General Synod)
  • The Reverend Canon Dave Tolhurst (ex officio as an elected clergy member of General Synod)
  • Mr Ali Bianchi (ex officio as an elected member of the House of Laity of General Synod)
  • Dr Angus Goudie (ex officio as an elected member of the House of Laity of General Synod
  • Canon Dr Jamie Harrison (ex officio as an elected member of the House of Laity of General Synod)
  • Mrs Helen Smith (ex officio as an elected member of the House of Laity of General Synod)
  • The Reverend Canon Steph Clark (ex officio as Chair of the House of Clergy of Diocesan Synod)
  • Mrs Frances Stenlake (ex officio as Chair of the House of Laity of Diocesan Synod)
  • The Reverend Paul Neville (elected by the House of Clergy and House of Laity of Diocesan Synod)
  • The Reverend Matt Tarling (elected by the House of Clergy and House of Laity of Diocesan Synod)
  • Canon Margaret Vaughan (elected by the House of Clergy and House of Laity of Diocesan Synod)
  • Mr Paul Hobbs (elected by the House of Clergy and House of Laity of Diocesan Synod)
  • Mr James Hall (nominated by Bishop’s Council)
  • The Reverend Mary Yasini (nominated by Bishop’s Council)
  • Mrs Val Barron (nominated by Bishop’s Council)
  • Mrs Susan Brown (nominated by Bishop’s Council)
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