Admin of Parish Finances

A strong foundation

"And God has appointed in the church first apostles, second prophets, third teachers, then miracles, then gifts of healing, helping, administrating, and various kinds of tongues.”

1 Corinthians 12.28, English Standard Version


Getting Started

PCC Treasurer Handbook - The role of a PCC Treasurer or Benefice Treasurer is a highly trusted and respected one; this handbook has been designed to provide general guidance about most aspects of parish treasury.  We hope that this handbook will be both helpful and of interest to you.  Download or read through the PDF booklet here.

Our 'Training and Support' page has links to training sessions, either to sign-up to or to watch past recorded training sessions. 

The Parish Resources website has lots of information to help get you up and running.  Please see the links below:

ACAT is the charity for treasurers of Christian churches. Durham Diocese has ‘block’ membership for their treasurers. This give parishes within the Diocese access to ACAT’s full range of services without the need to pay for individual membership. To access ACAT resources please contact Samantha Amsden for block membership code.

ACAT Handbook – This ‘Blue Book’ provides guidance for treasurers and others concerned with the financial and legislative affairs of their church, on a wide range of financial matters. The core material should be relevant to most church situations.

PCC Accountability: The Charities Act 2011 and the PCC – The ‘Green Book’ covers the majority of information you need for day to day, and year end activities. This handbook is an essential part of a treasurers toolkit. It is also available as a hard copy from Church House Publishing.


Day to Day

Record Keeping – The Treasurer will oversee the arrangements for receiving, recording and banking of all income. Pay and record all items of expenditure, and keep proper books and records. You will need an electronic cashbook, excel or church accounting software, collections records.

Vestry Record

Cashbook template

Raising Funds – The biggest source of income will be from generous giving. Other funds include Gift Aid, fundraising, grants, legacies and trading.  More information can be found via the Generous Giving section. 

Gift Aid and GASDS  – Churches as charities can claim extra money from HMRC. For information on keeping records and making claims see:

Parochial and DBF Fees – Statutory fees are chargeable for wedding and funeral related services, elements of the fees are payable to the Diocesan Board of Finance (DBF) and non-stipendiary clergy. Please refer to the guidance here.

Procurement – The Parish Buying Scheme is a one stop shop for your major parish spends, from paper clips to photocopiers

Budgeting and financial planning – A budget is a tool to serve the church and sets out the vision. Large projects and initiatives will require their own budget out with the day to day operations of the church. 

Budget template

Banker's Order Mandate 2024

Unique Parish Reference for Share Payments

Parishes in Vacancy - reclaiming clergy cover fees. The Diocese will reimburse for up to two services a week, please see the policy document for how to make a claim.

Annual Reporting

Overview of Annual Reporting Requirements – Churches are required to produce a set of financial statements alongside an Annual Report.  Examples of reporting can be found in the “PCC Accountability: The Charities Act 2011 and the PCC” Green Book .

Example Annual Report

Examination and Audit All financial statements required an independent examination or audit. 

Charity Commission Registration and Returns Churches with income over £100,000 are required to register with the Charity Commission and make annual returns. Registered churches will be given a Charity Registration number.

Return of Parish Finance -  The (RPF) is an annual online return which the Church of England requires in order to monitor its financial situation. The RPF is a key document supporting the annual reporting of each Church’s financial position. If you don’t yet have an account please contact Samantha Amsden for a username and password.


Recommend Newsletters

We recommend you join or subscribe to the following organisations who will provide regular updates to assist you in your role:

Parish Buying

 ACAT – block membership

Lunchtime Dial in – Free lunch time webinar for Treasurers and Trustees wanting to stay informed.

Generosity News – From National Church Institutions

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