
Christmas Out-of-Hours Emergency Telephone Numbers

If you have an emergency during this period, emergency contact details can be found here

The Property & Facilities Team (contact details below) take pride in supporting you with maintaining your parsonage as a welcoming home and as a resource for your mission and ministry.

Download the Property Handbook, which is a comprehensive guide to the maintenance and repair of your property.

Out-of-hours phone numbers and contractors for urgent property issues

If you have a property emergency that happens out of hours, use the numbers provided under the headings below, then please contact the property team at your earliest opportunity to let us know what the emergency was, who you contacted and the work that was done – thank you!

Emergency contacts

Boilers: Emergency call out only e.g. NO heating and NO hot water

PNH Plumbing & Heating – 07450262610 or 07854 546969


EMERGENCY plumbing repairs and burst pipes

PNH Plumbing & Heating – 07450262610 or 07854 546969


Gas Leak

Freephone 0800 111 999 (24 hour service)



EMERGENCY Glazing/Securing or boarding as a result of break-in or vandalism

David Jackson – 07916 198710

Local Police will also have a list of contractors who can be contacted for emergency repairs. 



David Jackson – 07916 198710

Or a local reputable contractor listed in Yellow Pages



Oakworth Electricals –Tel:  07961 033242 – Emergencies only


Burst pipes:  In the event of a burst pipe please turn the water off at the mains stop tap and call PNH Plumbing

Please email jo.bosher@durham.anglican.org or James.alderton@durham.anglican.org  to advise them of any emergency call outs you have made


Contact the property team

Any one of us can be contacted during normal office hours:

Head of Property and Facilities: James Alderton
Tel: 07879 427209
Email: housing.surveyor@durham.anglican.org





Property and Facilities Co-ordinator: Jo Clifford
Tel: 01388 660006
Email: Jo.clifford@durham.anglican.org



Property and Facilities Assistant: Stacey Brown 
Tel: 01388 660012
Email: stacey.brown@durham.anglican.org






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