Children's and youth workers

From toddler groups to universities, roles that involve working with children and young people are extremely varied. This ministry is not limited to supporting a ‘Sunday School’, though that is wonderful and vital work. 

This involved meeting young people where they are, walking alongside them in their journey through childhood and their teen years, sharing with them the impact of knowing all about Jesus and showing them how to live a life of love, truth, justice and mercy. 

This can be life-changing for them, and supports their families and others, such as their teachers and carers, with keeping youngsters on ‘straight paths’. 

Anyone working with children and young people will also tell you how transformative this ministry can be for the adults. Children and young people are naturally spiritual, full of questions and the capacity to experience awe, wonder and trust in ways adults sometimes find difficult. We can learn from working with young people in this way, and their presence with us in our worshipping communities, wherever that may be, is a huge blessing. 

It is one reason why it is such a delight to see that the national Church of England has prioritised this work in its vision and strategy for the 2020's and it is also one of the Diocese of Durham's four priorities too. From this point of view, there has never been a better time to be working in ministry. 

If you feel called to work with children and young people, Sharon can talk to you about this, and help you discern what kind of role, or what kind of project, might naturally fit for you. 

If you're a church leader wanting more information about recruiting a children's and/or youth worker, they can also advise on this. 

One vital area will be Safeguarding and there's some helpful information about this just here

Meanwhile, browse the children's and youth section of this site and see what is already happening across the Diocese. 

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