Children's and youth workers

From leading toddler groups to youth sessions to ministry within schools and universities we recognise that working with children, young people and young adults can be extremely varied.

Whether you are a voluntary leader or employed we think you are brilliant, and our Growing Younger team wants to support and encourage you in your vital role as you invest in the faith of children, youth and young adults in our Diocese.

These roles involve meeting young people where they are, walking alongside them as they grow up and sharing with them the impact of following Jesus, which can be life-changing for young people, their families and communities.

Anyone working with children and young people will also tell you how transformative this ministry can be for the adults involved! They are some of the most wonderful people to spend time with, and investing in their faith is a real privilege.

If you feel called to work with children, young people or young adults, a member of our Growing Younger team would love to talk to you about this, and help you discern what might be a good fit for you. We are also keen to support and encourage all of those who are already working with 0s-25s.

If you are a church leader looking for more information about recruitment of Children's or Youth Workers we would love to chat to you. Additionally we would love to help you to consider how to raise up a team of volunteers. 

Please contact Kathryn Belmont (Growing Younger Strategic Lead) who can put you in touch with the right person.

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