Safeguarding Training

Safeguarding Training is an integral part of the Diocese’s commitment to creating a church that is safer for everyone. The Learning and Development Framework Safeguarding Learning and Development Framework 2021  provides details of the training requirements for all church officers . (Church Officer(s)refers to anyone appointed or elected by or on behalf of the Church to a post or role, whether they are ordained or lay, paid or unpaid.).  The Learning and Development Framework has been developed to help shape the culture of safeguarding in our churches and communities.

There are four ‘levels’ or ‘core pathways’ of training and completion of which level is dependent on the role you have in your church context.  Each course builds on the knowledge gained from the previous so should be completed in consecutive order until the highest level of learning for your role has been reached (eg: a churchwarden who is new in role and has not completed any church based safeguarding training in the past will need to complete Basic Awareness, Foundations and Leadership Training).

All training should be refreshed every three years at the highest level required for your role and where relevant, Raising Awareness of Domestic Abuse and Safer Recruitment and People Management.

What level of training do I need for my role?

The training requirements for each role are outlined under each course. If you are in any doubt about which level of training your role requires, please contact your Parish Safeguarding Officer or Beth Miller - Diocesan Safeguarding Officer
Email: |


Core Pathways

Basic and Foundations Modules

There is the expectation that the Basic and Foundations module will be completed using the e learning option which can be accessed via the Church of England Safeguarding Training Portal Church of England Safeguarding Training Portal

We do understand that for some people undertaking e learning and accessing training via online methods may not always be possible and we do, as a Diocese, offer face to face delivery of basic and foundations modules on request.  If you would like to request face to face training for your parish, please contact

People in the following roles are required to complete the course every three years:

Basic Awareness

  • All Church Officers
  • Anyone who has to complete any other higher level of training


  • Anyone in a role, which involves work with children, young people, or vulnerable adults.
  • Churchwardens
  • Anyone going on to complete any other safeguarding learning pathway.
  • Vergers
  • PCC Members 
  • Parish Safeguarding Officers
  • Bell Tower Captains and Bell Ringing Teachers


This level of training is always delivered by the Diocesan Safeguarding Training Team. We provide this training in two ways.  Via zoom if you wish to engage in the sessions from the comfort of your own home and with no travel time to factor in and in person delivery for those who prefer this learning style.

Whichever learning style you choose, Leadership training consists of two x 90-minute sessions which are usually delivered a week apart.  To complete this training successfully, it is imperative that you are able to attend both sessions, complete the pre course work (which is sent directly to you two weeks before the date of the first session, and complete the post training reflective account.

People in the following roles are required to complete the course every three years:

  • All Clergy holding a Bishops License, Commission Authorisation or permission including honorary / assistant Bishops / Chaplains
  • All Readers and Licensed Lay Ministers holding a Bishops License or together with all others who hold the Bishops Commission Authorisation or permission to carry out similar ministerial functions.
  • Parish Safeguarding Officers
  • Churchwardens
  • Bell Tower Captains and Bell Ringing Teachers
  • Leaders* of groups which involve work with children, young people, or vulnerable adults.

*Note:‘Leader’ means the person in overall charge of a group; the ‘go-to’ person for decisions about activities or things that happen during sessions.  ‘Helpers’ will generally need training to Foundation level. 

The available dates and links to book for Leadership training are as follows;

If you are using a mobile device, you may find it best to rotate your phone to landscape to view the full table including links. 

Course ID

Course Name




Session 1

Session 2

Forms Link


F-F Leadership

Cuthbert House

Thurs AM


24 Apr

1 May

Click here to book


Zoom Leadership


Fri AM


2 May

9 May

Click here to book


F-F Leadership

Cuthbert House

Tue AM


20 May

27 May

Click here to book


Zoom Leadership


Mon Eve


9 June

16 June

Click here to book


F-F Leadership

Cuthbert House

Mon AM


16 June

23 June

Click here to book


Zoom Leadership


Thurs PM


3 July

10 July

Click here to book


F-F Leadership

Cuthbert House

Wed AM


16 July

23 July

Click here to book


F-F Leadership

Cuthbert House

Thurs PM


18 Sept

25 Sept

Click here to book


Zoom Leadership


Mon PM


22 Sept

29 Sept

Click here to book


Zoom Leadership


Tues PM


14 Oct

21 Oct

Click here to book


F-F Leadership

Cuthbert House

Wed AM


22 Oct

29 Oct

Click here to book


Zoom Leadership


Fri AM


7 Nov

14 Nov

Click here to book

Permission to Officiate

This course is for anyone who holds Permission to Officiate within the Diocese.  It is a face-to-face course that takes three hours to complete.  There is some pre work to complete that will be sent to you two weeks before the course.  This work does not need to be submitted prior to attending the course.  To complete the course, you must send in a post course reflection four weeks after attending to training. 

The available dates and links to book for PTO training are as follows:

If you are using a mobile device, you may find it best to rotate your phone to landscape to view the full table including links. 

Course ID






Link to book



Cuthbert House

Fri AM

10am -1pm

25th Apr

Click here to book



Cuthbert House

Thurs PM


15th May

Click here to book



Cuthbert House

Monday AM


28th July

Click here to book



Cuthbert House



17th Oct

Click here to book

Additional Training Requirements

Raising Awareness of Domestic Abuse (RADA)

It can be hard to believe that domestic abuse happens within church communities, but research has shown that 1 in 4 church attenders have experienced abuse within their current relationship.

This course will enable the participant to recognise signs and symptoms of domestic abuse and provide advice and guidance on how best to respond to a victim/survivor.

Raising Awareness of Domestic Abuse is available in an e learning version accessible through the Church of England Safeguarding Training portal. the Church of England Safeguarding Training Portal

People in the following roles are required to complete the course every three years:

  • Anyone holding the bishop’s licence, commission, authorisation, or permission (including clergy, PtO, Readers, LLMs) or serving as an officer of the bishop
  • Anyone (volunteers and employees) working with children, young people, or vulnerable adults, including Bishops Visitors and Pastoral Visitors
  • Safeguarding Officers / Safeguarding Leads including Designated Safeguarding Person in a Religious Community
  • Pre-ordination or licence students, prior to BAP or selection Panel

It is also recommended that those holding the following roles complete the course:

  • All Church Officers
  • PCC and Chapter members
  • Members of the Diocesan Safeguarding Advisory Panel.

Face-to-Face Training

As a Diocese we recognise that completing this course via the online training portal might not meet the needs of everyone.  We are able to offer face to face courses on request.  Please do not hesitate to contact to discuss your training needs.

Safer Recruitment and People Management (SRPM)

The aim of this training is to equip participants with an understanding of safer recruitment, and the skills and practices necessary to promote positive safeguarding behaviour (and detect safeguarding risk) once a person is in role.

This course is completed via E- learning which can be accessed through the Church of England Safeguarding Training Portal

People in the following roles are required to complete the course every three years:

  • Recruiting managers and anyone involved in the recruitment of Church Officers (employees, elected members, and volunteers).
  • Those with responsibility for administering DBS.
  • Safeguarding Officers in all Church bodies, including Designated Safeguarding Person in a Religious Community.
  • Ordinands during IME 1.

Note:  before completing this training, you must have current training to Foundation level or above.

If you are in any doubt about which level of training your role requires, please contact your Parish Safeguarding Officer or Beth Miller - Diocesan Safeguarding Officer 
Email: |

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