Safe Spaces
Safe Spaces is a free and independent support service, providing a confidential, personal and safe space for anyone who has been abused through their relationship with either the Church of England, Church in Wales or the Catholic Church of England and Wales.
Their Helpline is 0300 303 1056 and there is more information about their support here.
The service is for those who may have experienced any form of abuse, including sexual abuse, physical abuse, financial abuse, psychological abuse (including spiritual abuse), domestic abuse, coercive and controlling behaviour.
Diocese of Durham Counselling Service
The Diocese of Durham has its own in-house counselling service. You can normally be linked with a counsellor within two weeks of a referral being received. All our counsellors are British Association of Counselling and Psychotherapy accredited. If you are, or maybe in court proceedings we can arrange counselling before you have to attend, which may assist with this process. You can request a counsellor of a specific gender, for counselling to be either face to face or online or a mixture of both and in a geographical location to suit you. We would match you with a counsellor trained in supporting victims and survivors of the type of abuse you have experienced. All our counsellors are trauma trained. Your counsellor will always be guided by you and will work at your pace and work with you to understand what you want to get out of counselling. Regular reviews take place between counsellor and victim/survivor to ensure need continues to be met. Any, decision to end counselling will be made jointly with survivor / victim and counsellor.
If in house provision is not suitable consideration will be given to offering financial assistance to fund identified therapy
The counselling service is accessed through the Head of the Pastoral Care and Counselling Service, Simon Rose on / 07746 846317.