Safer Recruitment & People Management

The appointment of all volunteers and employees in scope, that is, with significant contact with children young people or vulnerable adults and all clergy must follow the guidance set out in Safer Recruitment and People Management e-manual. This guidance was revised in 2021 and is mandatory for all roles from 4th January 2022.

Please also read our Safer Recruitment and Selection Policy


DBS checks

Everyone appointed to a church role involving significant contact with children young people or vulnerable adults – members of clergy with the Bishop’s licence/permission to officiate, employees and volunteers – must have a DBS check every three years. Guidance on DBS checks is found here


Quick Guide to the Stages of Safer Recruitment and People Management

Below is a brief description of each stage of the Safer Recruitment and People Management process with a link to the section in the online e-manual

This process is mandatory for both paid and voluntary roles which are being recruited and appointed to.






Key features of stage (e-manual guidance must be read for full information)


Responsible Person

Link to SRPM guidance

A responsible person must be identified for each role recruited to that is within scope.


Responsible person must have been safely recruited themselves and undertaken Safer Recruitment & People Management training in the last 3 years


Role Description and Person Specification

Link to SRPM guidance

All roles within scope must have a role description and person specification.



Link to SRPM guidance

The ‘personal approach’ must only be used if there is no other option

Other safer recruitment requirements must still be followed



Link to SRPM guidance

A standardised application form must be used

Any gaps in chronology must be identified and further discussed with applicant


Confidential Declaration

Link to SRPM guidance

Form must be completed for all roles requiring a DBS check



Link to SRPM guidance

Must be undertaken by the responsible person and one other




Interview and Assessment

Link to SRPM guidance

There must be an interview even if only one applicant

Interview panel must consist of a minimum of two people, one of whom has undertaken Safer Recruitment & People Management training in last 3 years

Interviews must be face to face


Pre appointment checks

Link to SRPM guidance

No one must commence in role until all the pre appointment checks have been returned and are satisfactory



Link to SRPM guidance

Two references must be sought and these should not be from family members



Link to SRPM guidance

DBS must be applied for and certificate received before person commences in role

Local procedures for blemished DBS checks must be followed



Link to SRPM

All appointments are subject to a satisfactory probation period (determined locally at outset)

Volunteers must be given a volunteer agreement



Link to SRPM

Training requirements must be discussed along with who to report safeguarding concerns to.  1:1 meetings must be held with the person the new appointee reports to


Probation and settling in

Link to SRPM guidance

There must be regular meetings during the probation and settling in period

For employees the grounds for extending probation or terminating contract at end of probation must be clearly explained


Ongoing support

Link to SRPM guidance

The nature and form of ongoing support must be agreed at the end of a successful period of probation, and ideally face to face meetings should be held regularly


Learning and Development

Link to SRPM guidance

In line with the Safeguarding Learning & Development Framework, learning and development for all roles that fall within the scope of this guidance is mandatory

Note: Basic and foundation training must be completed within the probation period

See Training for further details


Record Keeping

Link to SRPM guidance

Records of all pre-appointment checks must be retained and a record of ongoing support maintained

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