The Revd Canon Janet Burbury

Address Line 1: The Vicarage
Address Line 2: Hart Village
Town: Hartlepool
Postcode: TS27 3AP
Phone Number: 01429 262 340
Mobile Number: 07958 131 271


Hart St Mary Magdalene - PCC Chair

Hart with Elwick Hall - Priest in Charge

Hartlepool - Deanery Synod-Clergy

Durham Cathedral - Non Residentiary Canon

Durham - Clergy with Bishop's Licence

Hart St Mary Magdalene - Priest in Charge

Hart St Mary Magdalene - DBS Validator

Elwick Hall St Peter - Priest in Charge

Hartlepool - Diocesan Synod Clergy

Hartlepool - Surrogate

Elwick Hall St Peter - PCC Chair

Hartlepool - Area Dean

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