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Miss Francine Moralee
Address Line 1: 5 Gateways
Address Line 2: Wolsingham
Town: Bishop Auckland
Postcode: DL13 3HW
Email: fnmoralee@btinternet.com
Phone Number: 01388 527 091
Mobile Number: 07546 117 600
Wolsingham St Mary and St Stephen - Churchwarden
Thornley St Bartholomew - Parish Safeguarding Officer
Satley St Cuthbert - Parish Safeguarding Officer
Thornley St Bartholomew - DBS Validator
Wolsingham St Mary and St Stephen - Parish Safeguarding Officer
Satley St Cuthbert - DBS Validator
Wolsingham - Deanery Synod-Laity
Wolsingham St Mary and St Stephen - DBS Validator