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The Revd Susan Sweeting
Address Line 1: 84 Stratford Avenue
Address Line 2: Grangetown
Town: Sunderland
Postcode: SR2 8RZ
Email: susansweeting3@gmail.com
Mobile Number: 07539 917 633
Sunderland St Mary, St Thomas and St Oswald (The Group Ministry of The Annunciation) - SSM Associate Priest
Durham - Clergy with Bishop's Licence
Sunderland Pennywell St Thomas - SSM Associate Priest
Wearmouth - Deanery Synod-Clergy
Sunderland St Chad (The Group Ministry of The Annunciation) - SSM Associate Priest
Springwell St Mary & St Peter - Parish Safeguarding Officer
Wearmouth - Diocesan Synod Clergy
Sunderland St Chad - SSM Associate Priest
Sunderland St Mary and St Peter (The Group Ministry of The Annunciation) - SSM Associate Priest
Springwell St Mary & St Peter - SSM Associate Priest