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The Revd Diane Ryan
Address Line 1: St Cuthberts Rectory
Address Line 2: Shibdon Road
Town: Blaydon On Tyne
Postcode: NE21 5AE
Email: rev_dianeryan@btinternet.com
Phone Number: 01914 142 720
Mobile Number: 07501 271 754
Rowlands Gill St Barnabas - PCC Chair
Rowlands Gill St Barnabas - DBS Validator
High Spen St Patrick - PCC Chair
Blaydon and High Spen and Rowlands Gill in Plurality - Vicar
Blaydon St Cuthbert - Vicar
Durham - Clergy with Bishop's Licence
High Spen St Patrick - Vicar
Gateshead West - Deanery Synod-Clergy
Rowlands Gill St Barnabas - Vicar
Blaydon St Cuthbert - PCC Chair
High Spen St Patrick - DBS Validator