Ms Kathleen Kirby

Address Line 1: 15 Weardale House
Address Line 2: Stanhope
Town: Weardale
Postcode: DL13 2US
Phone Number: 01388 527 823
Mobile Number: 07934 467 490


Stanhope St Thomas - Pastoral Minister

Barnard Castle - Deanery Synod-Ex officio

St John's Chapel St John the Baptist - Pastoral Minister

Stanhope, Frosterley and Rookhope - Deanery Synod-Laity

Barnard Castle - Diocesan Synod Laity

Upper Weardale - Pastoral Minister

Barnard Castle - Deanery Secretary

Eastgate All Saints - Pastoral Minister

Heatherycleugh St Thomas - Pastoral Minister

St John's Chapel St John the Baptist - Pastoral Minister

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