The Revd Mark Mawhinney

Address Line 1: 40 Lawe Road
Town: South Shields
Postcode: NE33 2EU
Mobile Number: 07751 113 095


Jarrow - Diocesan Synod Clergy

Durham - Clergy with Bishop's Licence

Durham - Vacancy in See Committee-Ex-officio Mem (Prot of Con)

South Shields St Hilda with St Thomas - Priest in Charge

Durham - General Synod-Members of House of Clergy

South Shields St Hilda - Priest in Charge

Durham - Diocesan Synod-Ex-officio Mem (Prot of Con)

South Westoe St Michael and All Angels - Priest in Charge

South Shields St Hilda - DBS Validator

South Westoe St Michael & All Angels - Priest in Charge

Jarrow - Deanery Synod-Clergy

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