Financial planning

Financial planning combines good recording keeping, planning fundraising appeals and events, monitoring spend and securing value for money in expenditure.

Budgets, whilst often overlooked, are an essential tool in managing PCC finances. The shape of budgets combined with simple cash flow monitoring will ensure that the ministry and mission of the church is adequately resourced and can be carried through without suddenly running out of cash.

Budgets focus on the key objectives and mission and acknowledge the shared responsibility. They are an important mechanism for allocating funds and improve financial reporting as they serve to diminish financial surprises.

Stewardship UK has provided a very full guide to financial planning.

The Church of England also has a number of great in-house resources to empower parishes to manage and plan their finances well:

  • Parish Buying website – here you will find great deals on everything from stationary to energy bills
  • Parish Resources website – this acts as an administrative centre to ensure to the information to enable you to run all aspects of the parish well
  • Parish Giving Scheme – this is a facility that enables regular givers to contribute using Direct Debit

Timeline for Parish Treasury

The scope of treasury will depend on the size and complexity of the parish, but some key tasks will remain the same regardless of your situation. We’ve provided a Parish Treasury Timeline as a helpful guide for the year outlining the essential tasks and deadlines that you will need to be aware of. This will help with your financial planning.

Parish Finance Bulletin

Our Parish Finance Bulletins highlight key developments and important points that impact parish finances. By sharing this information, we aim to keep parishes abreast of changes to ensure we not only meet our legal obligations, but also that we can focus on our shared goals, and plan for the future.


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