Since growth is one of the four key priorities in the Diocese of Durham, we rightly spend a lot of time and energy thinking about it and putting plans into place to support it.
Church health is essential when thinking about church growth, because healthy churches grow – and not just in numbers.
Healthy churches grow in discipleship, in community engagement and, as they do this, they will find that new people start turning up because they can see why the church exists; there’s an attractiveness, a sense of purpose.
The crucial question is:
“Given who we are, where we are and the resources we have, what is the healthiest we can be?”
Healthy churches will have healthy worship, relationships, collaborative leadership, a priority of witness and faith sharing, along with healthy attitudes to finance and community engagement.
Please get in touch with us to ask more about healthy churches – the Growth Team offers a programme of Natural Church Development around church health and the MDM team can offer PCC/Church Away Days to think about how to be healthier – and we can tailor those days to suit your needs.
Useful pages and other sites
You may also want to look at:
- The Everyday Faith page on the national Church of England’s Church Support Hub
- All about Growth in the Diocese of Durham
- Training and Development here in the Diocese for all kinds of ministry and discipleship, wherever you are on your journey