Inspiring stories

Be eco-inspired!

There are some amazing stories of churches across the Diocese of Durham committing to Eco Church projects or simply embracing caring for creation as a wonderful opportunity for creative mission and ministry. 

Mary Magdalene Hart – Gold Eco Church Award

St Mary Magdalene Church in Hart Village has become the first church in Durham Diocese to achieve a Gold Eco-Church award.

The Eco Church award scheme is ran by the charity A Rocha UK, and is a great way to help churches focus on the diocesan priority of Caring for God’s Creation. Churches think about creation care under five different categories: worship and teaching, management of church buildings, management of church land, community and global engagement, and lifestyle.

St Mary Magdalene Hart found that the scheme helped them to engage with the world around them, and also to grow relationships with each other and the local community. The eco-team was headed up by Hilary Squire and Luke Mason, but they found that almost everyone in the church became involved in some way or another. If you want to hear more about their Eco Church journey, you can contact Reverend Janet on, or read about it on their website here.

The Diocese has achieved bronze status and is committed to reaching net zero carbon by 2030. Churches can make a start by filling in the Energy Footprint Tool on the Parish Returns website, and reading through the practical path to net zero here. If you would like any further information about the net zero target or joining the Eco Church scheme, contact:

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