Durham Diocese Board of Education

Durham Diocesan Board of Education

Board Members (November 2024 - December 2027)


Synod Appointed - Clergy

  1. Revd Alison Stewart-Smith
  2. Revd Canon Dave Tolhurst

Synod Appointed - Lay

  1. Mr Nigel Wyrley-Birch (Chair)
  2. Mr Stephen Pickering
  3. Mr Simon Wilkinson

Nominated by Bishop

  1. Mrs Amanda Baines
  2. Ms Lynn Chambers 
  3. Mrs Jo Heaton OBE
  4. Mr Martin Stand
  5. Mr David Robinson
  6. Revd Peter Kashouris
  7. Archdeaconry Vacancy (wait for AD Sunderland replacement/ask another AD?)

In Attendance (not a member)

  1. Mr James Morgan – Diocesan Secretary
  2. Amy Burns – Head of Programme Delivery for Diocesan Transformation
  3. Kathryn Belmont – Growing Younger Strategic Lead


  1. Mr David Akers - Diocesan Director of Education 
  2. Ms Liane Atkin – Assistant Director of Education (Legal and Governance)
  3. Mrs Susie Taylor (Clerk to meeting)

Observer Status

  1. Revd Dr Gillian Alexander (Chair - Newcastle Diocesan Education Board)


The quorum will be eight members, at least three (or a third of total membership whichever is the greater) of whom must be elected or appointed (or a third of total membership whichever is the greater).

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