Durham Diocesan Board of Education
Board Members (November 2024 - December 2027)
Synod Appointed - Clergy
- Revd Alison Stewart-Smith
- Revd Canon Dave Tolhurst
Synod Appointed - Lay
- Mr Nigel Wyrley-Birch (Chair)
- Mr Stephen Pickering
- Mr Simon Wilkinson
Nominated by Bishop
- Mrs Amanda Baines
- Ms Lynn Chambers
- Mrs Jo Heaton OBE
- Mr Martin Stand
- Mr David Robinson
- Revd Peter Kashouris
- Archdeaconry Vacancy (wait for AD Sunderland replacement/ask another AD?)
In Attendance (not a member)
- Mr James Morgan – Diocesan Secretary
- Amy Burns – Head of Programme Delivery for Diocesan Transformation
- Kathryn Belmont – Growing Younger Strategic Lead
- Mr David Akers - Diocesan Director of Education
- Ms Liane Atkin – Assistant Director of Education (Legal and Governance)
- Mrs Susie Taylor (Clerk to meeting)
Observer Status
- Revd Dr Gillian Alexander (Chair - Newcastle Diocesan Education Board)
The quorum will be eight members, at least three (or a third of total membership whichever is the greater) of whom must be elected or appointed (or a third of total membership whichever is the greater).