The aim of Continuing Ministerial Development (CMD) is to promote and sustain ministerial flourishing in all licensed, authorised and recognised ministers across the Diocese.
It is undertaken in the context of the blessing, redeeming and flourishing of all creation, especially humankind, which is the Mission of God. CMD is part of our lifelong Christian discipleship. It is a journey through personal flourishing to ministerial flourishing in a transforming Church.
- God’s mission is about the blessing, redeeming and flourishing of the whole created order, and especially humankind (John 10:10b ‘I came that you might have life and life in all its fullness’ and Irenaeus, ‘The glory of God is a human being fully alive’)
- The Church is a key instrument of the mission of God in human flourishing. “A transformed Church will be transformational in the World.” This understanding is expressed in our diocesan priorities:
- Energizing Growth - growing the Church because “growing churches are good for our communities”
- Challenging Poverty - working with our communities to tackle issues of poverty
- Engaging with children and young adults so that more become lifelong disciples of Jesus
- Caring for God’s creation so that it can be protected and restored
- The Church of England is undergoing a period of renewal and reform where priorities are shifting towards a more missional mode of being Church and also a more collaborative way of exercising ministry. These values are current priorities in our CMD
- Our primary calling as Christians is to be disciples of Jesus Christ. Therefore discipleship/development is for all. The whole Church is part of the mission of God, with each part having its purpose but all flourishing and blessing as a body together. Therefore development is for all. Because of the value God places on people, ministry grows out of the flourishing of individuals, within the community of the Church
- The Ordinal is a fundamental source of values for CMD. A key element of the Ordinal is that the minister stirs up the gifts in her/him and in others. This is ‘ministerial flourishing’. This wisdom applies to all the Church’s ministers
- Anglicans acknowledge the fallibility of the Church and its ministers (Articles XIX and XXVI). Therefore there is need for accountability and also for training. “Ministers are made and trained not just born.” Effectiveness can be learned
- Our aim and hope is the growth of ministers who “exhibit creativity, confidence and competence” and who are above all, Christ-focused
The questions especially for the Church’s ministers are:
- “Will you be diligent in prayer, in reading Holy Scripture, and in all studies that will deepen your faith and fit you to bear witness to the truth of the Gospel?”
- “Will you then, in the strength of the Holy Spirit, continually stir up the gift of God that is in you, to grow in holiness and grace?”
This question is asked of Bishops, Priests and Deacons in the Ordinal and others in their commissioning services. It places life-long learning and development at the heart of the lives and ministry of all ministers. This discipline is located within the calling of all Christians to be disciples of Jesus Christ.
In the Diocese of Durham this individual responsibility is supported by a range of training and development opportunities and resources offered, and organised at diocesan and regional level.
There is a mutual responsibility for on-going support, training and development between individual ministers and the Diocese.
It is crucial that all ministers should feel affirmed and encouraged in their ministry and there is a range of support processes and resources available. CMD focuses not just on learning and training but gives priority to the flourishing of the whole person in their ministerial context. We summarise this as “ministerial flourishing” leading to “ministerial effectiveness”.
Learn more about the expectations and commitments of CMD.
CMD in Durham Diocese is co-ordinated by Revd Canon Dr Alan Bartlett, Ministry Development Advisor MDA
Tel: 0191 374 6012
Mob: 07384 214 576
Address: Cuthbert House, Stonebridge, Durham DH1 3RY